
Your fleet equipment has taken you years to build up; your business model and name have been developed over time to be highly valuable assets.

Yet every day, and night, these same assets are under threat from a suite of risks that are identifiable and manageable.

Workplace and on-road accidents, key people being poached by competitors, fatigue risk, systems that have not kept up with changing technologies and client expectations, client and public image getting tarnished, legal and operational risks; these are just some of the challenges every fleet faces today.

Real business growth and success comes from identifying and mitigating all of the risk areas above, but also accurately identifying and capturing the latent potential and lost productivity residing within your operations.

I have successfully owned and operated fleets for decades and have a clear understanding of the challenges; and a nose to seek out causes and solutions.

If you need to improve safety performance, I can help.
If you need to improve fuel efficiency, and who doesn’t, I can help.
If you need to improve tyre performance and lower your costs, I can help.
If you need to improve fatigue risk management within your operations, I can help.

If you need a reliable, experienced and competent consultant to help reduce risk and optimize your fleet operational performance, I can help.

My job is to make your job easy, and make you look good™.

Fill in your details below, right now, and let’s talk.